Big Nate Wiki
Big Nate Wiki

You know what stinks? High school.

I mean, not that I would know. But I'm GONNA.

I had to do TWO LONG EXIT PORTFOLIOS before Friday! And you know what's worse? I have to do SIX WHOLE HOURS of community service by the end of the year! It's required for graduation from my lame school.

Apparently, life isn't about me and I need to help the community. I guess it's good to focus on other people but yourself, but I have NO IDEA how I'm supposed to do six hours of service by June.

You know what also sucks? I'm crushing on this cute girl named Olivia Earl. I know "Olivia" was the name of the girl I liked at the beginning of this year, so it's a coincidence. But instead of being in eighth grade like me, she's a seventh. Therefore, she will not go to high school with me. 

Oh, well. I'll see her in tenth grade.

And I'll see YOU later.

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